
By amberelli

Work Experience... i started work experience on monday and to be honest the past two days havent really been amazing all the way through. the mornings were spent at mill house leisure centre. then the afternoons at both throston primary and the headland offices. i did however get to hang out with a bloke called liam who is incredibly gorgeous and pretty awesome too. im really gutted that im not going to be working with him again cos he was class :(

today i got given my ID card. i am currently an employee of the council. wow it feels kinda good to hear i kind of have a job. i spent the whole of today in the headland sports hall and have had a really really good day :) everyone there is lovely and im back there tomorrow. should be good and i think i'd actually enjoy a job there in the future maybe...

this photo was again taken on my grangra's camera because he brought it with him tonight for me to have a longer play with using the tripod and stuff too. i know i could have maybe been a bit more productive but i thought this best suited the day...

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