Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens

Shake a Tail Feather

Today it has rained and rained yet again. I had domiciliary visits...hurrah. Then I went on a closed ward due to d&v...again hurrah and the rest of the day was spent in the lab so that was ok.

I collected Lewis early from school so that he could prepare for his "prom". I took him to have his hair cut and then to the local school outfitters for his high school uniform/kit. Why I have to do everything all in one day, I don't know. I never learn! Then we went to get him a school bag from the local sports shop and there Lewis spotted yet more shoes. He bought them with his own money but, even so, I am worried he is turning into Imelda Marcos.

At almost prom time, Lewis decided he wasn't wearing the trousers from N*xt but wanted to wear his jeans. I didn't really want him to be too casual but then decided that at least he has the confidence to know his own mind and that's better than being a the jeans it was. Along with his new skate shoes with bright green laces!

When Graham and I went down to the school for the last half hour of the prom, it was great to see all the kids having a fabulous time and it was so dark in there with so many flashing lights that the kids could've worn bin bags and nobody would've been any the wiser.

When the teacher handed out a little gift, he gave all the children appropriate names. Lewis was "Lewis The Scientist". His friends were: "Kyle The Legend" "Johnny Travolta" and "Liam It Wasn't Me!" Quite amusing. Lewis is the one in the grey shirt with a big grin.

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