Back in 5. Or tomorrow.

By mly

Little details

(Little details + "You scratch my back, I scratch yours")

Landmannahellir -> Landmannalaugar and back

Started the day on a new horse, Fóstri, the one you see to the left up here, who has one blue and one brown eye. We got along really well from the start, and soon he was the favourite of all the horses I had ridden. We rode in rain gear since the prognosis had said more rain was to be expected, but all we noticed where a few drops here and there. As the sky changed attire, from rain clouds to the fluffier variant, we rode on in a blissful lack of dust! As we approached Landmannalaugar, the landscape got more and more beautiful, with a multitude of different saturated colours on the mountains all around. There, in the heart of these gorgeous mountains, we stopped to go for a soak in a natural hot spring and have our lunch, before we turned back to our mountain hut again. I got another horse that was new to me this time, Þorri, who was one of Lena's favourites from before, and I could definitely see why. (Couldn't trump Fóstri for me though!)

Back at the hut we had dinner, and then it was time to party! The Icelandic "Black death" brennivín was put on the table, along with some other local delicacies for us to taste (just like on my last tour, so I knew what I was getting myself into, heh). After a lot of singing, and a name game, where our wonderfully funny and energetic Frenchwoman Marie-Christine promptly renamed Þórður Freyr to Slobodan (she might have found it a TAD difficult to pronounce Þórður :D), we moved the party outside to let those who wanted to sleep sleep in peace. We carried on singing and chatting away outside until five o'clock in the morning, when we thought it might be best to go to sleep, since tomorrow would contain the longest leg of our journey - about 55 km on horseback in comparison to the 35 and 40 km runs we had made so far. We really had a great night :)

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