Back in 5. Or tomorrow.

By mly


We had friends visit us at Styrsö today, and this is their gorgeous daughter Amanda. She's about 13 months old now, and has spent the day trying to talk to all of us, completely incoherent to anyone but herself, but adorable of course :) The cardigan is a gift from her godmother (she's a friend of ours too) and goes to show that I'm right in saying babies always look great with knits!

Better in large!

I've posted backblips for Monday and Tuesday - both from the amazing thunderstorm that hit Monday evening and continued into the night. It was incredibly beautiful so please check them out - I hope you love them as much as I do!

I am now leaving for Kalmar, the town where I grew up, to meet up with friends, and my parents of course. I will probably not blip again until Sunday, and there will likely be very little commenting too, since all I've got is the iPhone and as good as the app is, it's still a bit tricky writing a lot of comments on there, as well as viewing the pics that are a bit on the tiny side :) Take care everyone, and I'll try to catch up Sunday!

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