
Dad has an app on his phone that lets me pick a letter and trace around the shape. (Here's a video) When I'm concentrating hard on something, I stick my tongue out. My Mum does this too. But, I also have a habit of licking my face. My Mum doesn't do this.

Dad and I also played outside with the ball. I told him that he had to be the "golfkeeper" - mixing my sports up there.

Orla's come out with some new phrases recently that have tickled us. They are:

Asking a question, like "where's my daddy", being told he's at work and then saying, "I think, that my daddy is at work."

Saying, hmm, that's strange, when she's looking for something.

Saying "I can't believe my eyes" (not in any particular context though, so we don't think she knows what this means).

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