Being a mum

means that every so often you have moments of overwhelming pride that bring tears to your eyes.

Tonight was one of those moments.

James and the rest of his Year 6-ers performed their musical "Archibald's War". Corin and I went to watch and I have to say, it was absolutely wonderful. Clearly very well rehearsed, well executed and very confidently performed by all concerned. Some poignant moments, not least with the whole year group sat on stage singing songs about treasuring memories. The next week is going to be emotional for James, I don't think he realises quite how much, as he approaches the end of his time at primary school.

The Leaver's assembly is next week. Tissues at the ready.

James performed confidently and demonstrated in one section that he clearly has a penchant for slapstick comedy and humour. Just wonderful to see him up on stage.

Another moment was reading his end of year report. I would be lying to say that I wasn't bothered about his grades, because I am. But the most important bits of his report for me are the bits about what he is good at, what he enjoys and where his talents are. So when I read

"He turned out to be one of the stars in his role of Banquo in his class assembly. Children and adults alike commented on how well he had done, using superb expression, volume and tone. I've since told James that I was surprised that he didn't audition for a lead role in our musical as he certainly has the talent to land a part. His teacher has then gone on to set him a target to volunteer for and audition for parts in performances at high school. I hope he does!

The only down side of the evening was the behaviour of two youths who dived in just before the performance started. I reckon they were about 12/13. They caused nothing but a nuisance throughout. They were sat at the back, pratting about. One of the teachers moved to stand by them, warned them etc. Eventually, as the finale finished, I could bite my tongue no longer.
I walked over, got right in one of their faces and said

"I have come to watch my child in his final primary school production. So have all the other parents. They have not come to have their evening spoiled by a silly boy who clearly does not know how to behave. You're a disgrace and you should be ashamed of yourself"

His reaction? He shrugged, then the teacher told him to leave, so he ran across the back of the hall, and as the Deputy Head was congratulating the children on how good the performance was, the little git shouted "It was crap" and legged it out of the door. He had a very lucky escape, as one of the other parents who is a prison officer dived out after him! Fortunately, the important people missed all of this - the performers. As for that little bugger, no doubt I will see him on Jeremy Kyle in the next 5 years!

The teacher came over and thanked me for speaking to him and for saying my piece. I was expecting to be told off!!!

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