Tales of Us

By donz

HK Streets

I went to Central today (Hong Kong side) whilst the kids were in summer school, hopped on a ferry and then meandered my way through the covered walkways which sit above the busy roads and streets. I walked around mid-levels which is one of my favourite parts of Central Hong Kong with its busy fruit and veg markets, fish markets and clothes stalls. Yes it gets a bit smelly in places but its like stepping back in time and I like the fact that the stalls look rickety and temporary although they are a permanent fixture.

This was a day of forgetfulness (well at least I'm honest), I forgot vital ingredients for dinner from the supermarket, I put the wrong snack box in the wrong backpack - giving watermelon to Jack and pineapple to Charlie - wrong way round - but then much worse (sorry Rich), I forgot Jack's tennis lesson!!!!!! I'm going to be in trouble with R when he reads this. Anyway its probably for the best re the tennis lesson, Jack's exhausted from summer school, has been coughing for 2 days and is extremely quick to fly of the handle!

In my defence, I never do this in the school term when everything is in more of a routine.... :-/ Honest!

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