Blood Sweat and...

Today I broke the world record for biking from my house to grandpas. Previous records clocked in around 10-15minutes, I did it in 5-6. Needless to say I was out of breathe when I arrived. BUT it was all worth it because it was a cousment reunion and I got to see my Sammy for the first time in months.

Later on Owen hosted an Olympics night at his house. Four teams participated. This is Blood Sweat and (Tears). G, Sammy, Nina, and Tonesy. I think if our group of friends didn't have the attention span of a fly they would have won. But they do, so we only got through 3 events.

Fun was had by all, nevertheless.

"Sometimes you gotta just take things for what they are and appreciate them, not try to label it or explain it. Explanations take the mystery out of it, you know?"
-Sarah Ockler

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