Getting on
A day of busy busy. For Mr B anyway. He headed off early in the car with no roof to buy a bath. He claims no-one so much as raised a smirk at him driving by with a bath poking out of the car, but I'd be surprised.
I, meanwile did a complicated shuttle relay of kids between their two tutors, but found time to do battle with a wasp that felt my car was his car (SooB 1 : wasp 0), and check out then promptly register the kids for sessions at the delightful looking Centre de Loisirs. These centres are found, it seems, in most towns in France and provide a place for kids to spend school-free Wednesdays and the holidays, while their parents are at work. The list of activities and outings looks pretty impressive and I'm sure they'll have fun regardless of language issues.
The place where I need to sort out the water connection was, of course, closed, so off instead to the MBH to ooh and ah over the lovely new bath, carry some wood around and make plans for the afternoon. The plumbers have worked pretty fast and we already have two working toilets, which is a relief in so many ways.
In the afternoon Mr B, after a quick language lesson headed off unencumbered by passengers to fill the convertible with bits of wood and a huge kitchen sink. Meanwhile I rediscovered the pleasure of having a few hours to just muck about with the kids. They found my dance show very amusing, about as amusing as I found explaining the 'don't blame it on the good times' gesture (in 'Blame it on the Boogie') to Katherine. It's been too long since I giggled like that.
The shot is the happy leeks I mentioned yesterday, still enjoying this chilly weather. Must find time for some weeding. Thank you all for the melon advice yesterday - I've given all the flowers a careful check and am delighted to confirm that we have a baby melon. Well, I think so. Now I think we just need some sunny weather so all the insects come out and do their matchmaking job.
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