....School's out for Summer.....

06.45: Alarm clock sounds, got up, performed ablutions, got dressed including tie for the last time for six and a half weeks (except for Nats wedding). Toast, coffee and fag.

O7.50: Leave for work.

O8.00: Fill up with petrol (robbing gits).

08.15: Pull onto car park.

08.20: Unlock lab, turn on lights, open blind and boot up laptop and IWB.

08.25: Staffroom, coffee, banter and briefing.

08.55: Lesson 1, Andrea offers to take both her class and mine. Spend an hour tidying lab and printing photos from Monday evening for Hebs, Jo and Lisa.

09.55: Lesson 2, I take my class and Andrea's class. Watch Iron Man 2, well, it is all about Science!

10.45: Extended break. Nicotine, caffeine and presentations to staff leaving us this term.

11.15: Form period. Finish watching Iron Man 2. Register pupils. DH brings small gift for work done this year.

12.10: Final Assembly. Farewell to staff, pep talk to pupils from Head.


12.28: Collect laptop, school bag, take off tie, name badge, electronic key, lock lab, deliver bottles of wine to technicians for work done this year.

12.31: Start engine and leave car park, not to return for six and a half weeks.

12.35: Arrive at Village for refreshment, two beers, enormous bowl of chips, chilli and cheese shared with Hebs, including dispute over payment! Banter with colleagues, and abuse for absentees.

13.55: Depart Village.

14.10 Arrive home, put school bag, ID badge, electronic key and huge bunch of school keys in safe place, not needed for six and a half weeks.

14.15: Cuban cigar and huge coffee in garden, feel all the stress and strain leaking away.

14. 55: Upstairs , changed, tie hung up for six and a half weeks, little lie down.

17.15: Wake up feeling amazing. Caffeine and nicotine.

18.00 Daughter comes home, inform her that I'm off for six and a half weeks! She mutters something I didn't quite catch but it definitely ended in "off".

19.30 Dinner.

Now just waiting for the Boss to come home, can't wait to tell her I'm off work for six and a half weeks.

This year has been really tough, losing Geoff, Inspection, unrelenting pressure, changing goal posts, thank God for Hebs to keep me from killing people (or at least seriously maiming them!). Won't miss it at all.

Das vidanya moy padruga!!!!!

By the way....did I mention that I'm off work for six and a half weeks?

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