
By Fisherking

Charlie Wilson is a weatherman....not!

Or it could have been The Name's Sajewicz...Zbigniev Sajewicz.

Blipworld meet two of my fishing buddies and fellow coaches, Charlie in the maroon and Sam in the black.
Charlie isn't a weatherman, tonight he sent all the juniors off fishing because "the rain has passed". Five minutes later it was persisting down and all of us were soaked.
Sam is Polish, well his parents are, he was born in Tel Aviv, Palestine so he's officially stateless!

Charlie is known as Charlie Chucker and Sam is the Painless Pole.

Being a close knit club everyone has nicknames.
Shaun is "Our Illustrious Leader"
Tommy is Mussolini (he's a dead ringer) but if he comes fishing in his cap and jacket he's the Squire
Roy is Greengrass after the character in Heartbeat)
Gordon is 'Tache Face
Dave Roberts is Taz (boy you want to see him lose his temper)
Then there's,
Walt the Wig (he doesn't have a wig but his haircut looks like one!)
Ronnie Rotten Hat
Dave One Leg (for obvious reasons)
The Dangerous Brothers
Lord Lucan
Spaghetti (he took his wife's Italian surname)
Posh Bob
Empty Head and his brother Educated Empty Head
Negative Brian (never says anything positive)
Dave Bad Back
Beached Whale
Brian No Dog (his dog died a while ago)
The Strangler (he really did strangle his wife about 15 years ago)
and others too numerous to mention.

What? Me? Oh....I'm Cap and Gown (because I have a degree)

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