Lali's World

By Lali

2. A reflection on a puddle in Princes St Gardens

This is my second entry for my liquid theme! Most of my pictures will feature water, but I'll try and use other liquids as well!

I love looking at reflections on puddles. Sometimes they make me a bit dizzy!

Long day today. Going back to work after your holidays is really hard, especially if you work in a tourist attraction during the summer in Edinburgh!!! High season, which means longer opening hours and busier days. This is definitely going to kill me! I'm already knackered and it's only my second day back!

Haven't had much time to myself since I came back, so I'm still trying to catch up with all your blips. Thank you very much for taking time to look at my backblips, I do really appreciate it!! And thank you very much as well for all your comments and stars! I hope you had a less tiring day than me! :)

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