My Life In Photos.

By vicky1972

Thomas's Last day at pre-School and presentation

Hello everyone.

view large if you want a closer look

Not my usual blip but thought id share a little bit of thomas's last day at his pre school as hes starting school in september. He got a cute certificate saying he will most probably become a train driver ( tooo true as he loves them) he also got a lovely place mat with a class photo with all his chum and i have a 2 year book of all his mile stones at school with photos aswell. Quiet emotional looking ove the 2 years and how much he has changed and grown. The poor teachers were in tears as us mums were aswell. They do get so attached to our children and its so understandable they do cry. Next it will be olivia. My babies are growing fast.

Im sure you know which one is thomas's the one looking like is it my turn yet lol. Striped shirt at the front.

Hope you are all well, im prepairing for Thomas's birthday party on friday a little late but with school and everything we havent been able to fit it in. I now have 12 children and the mothers aswell, ill have atleast 20 people lol. Never done this before so wish me luck. Thankyou for your kind words on my blip yesturday it means so much, and i hope this blip is ok, i like to share special days like this.

Vicky. xxxx

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