simple moments

By simplemoments

a flower hug

do you need a hug today?

it simply cracks me up... how nature can remind me of everyday things. like this little flower... once again - i'm calling it a flower 'cuz i've no idea what kind it is... sigh - i'm certain someone will know, though...

but look at how it appears to have tiny arms outstretched - ready to embrace you into a hug! isn't that the coolest thing ever?

do you need a hug today? do you know someone who might need a hug? do you feel like giving someone a hug? just because? for the heck of it?

hugs are great... they make us feel good - provide compassion, love, support, consolation, comfort, greeting... you name it - hugs are a wonderful thing...

so go... go now... go forth and give a hug to someone today and accept a virtual hug from me knowing it's a

happy day.....

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