In Brief, for once...

By JaxI

Nadeshiko JaWAN!

This morning we went off in a different direction after dropping Daddy "I don't need a car, I will ride my bike to work" Ikegami off at work, continuing our exploration of Hiroshima from a dog owner point of view. We ended up at Ryuo Koen, which half way up a mountain offered the possibility of a couple degrees cooler air than in the city.
It delivered more than this in the end, with its "wan wan play area". You go and sign in, get a number badge to hang round your neck, and then you may take your dog into the fenced off area where you can let them off the leash. Kind if like softplay for dogs. It's free as well, apparently unlike most similar places in town, according to the owner of Ella's new friend, Cherry, the 3 year old border collie. We totally hijacked their football game, and Cherry put up with Ella's overexuberance admirably. Cherry is an excellent goal keeper too! Just be in the female Japanese blood!
All in all it was a relatively successful first doggie play date really! Ryuo park gets the thumbs up!

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