Unstructured Visions

By unstructvisions

Ol' Glory at Sunset

While covering another ambulance's district, I was trying to figure out what to Blip. My partner suggested I take a picture of the graveyard across the street from the station. Though I did think about that prior to his suggestion (the irony of a place of dead across the street from healers is great), my camera phone isn't powerful enough to capture the the beauty of the old cemetery.

Walking back toward the ambulance, I notice the flags and the pretty cotton candy sky, so I snapped away. This I think is the best one I took. Please ignore the ice cream truck we have found ourselves using today. The bumper/back step of our normal box fell off. :/

For some good news, I found out today that at the beginning of the month, I get to back to running 911 full time! I used to be down there and loved every minute of it. When I became a lead medic, I had to transfer off of it because there can't be two leads on one truck. Now, an opening has come up and I was allowed to fill it!

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