School's out!!!!!!

Just been to Zebedee's school leaver's assembly, an hZeb's shotour of stirring wartime songs from the children that they performed at their play - the Scrapbook stories last week, pupil's memories of their time at the school, sporting achievements being noted, various awards being given out and the pupils individually shaking hands with Mr Dickinson the Headmaster and receiving their dictionaries and leaver's certificates!
I was moved, had tissues in my bag but didn't need them!
I also practiced using my zoom, got some quite good results!

Zebedee is now at the leaver's party sporting shades, punk T-shirt and a gun!
Max's shot!!
Zeb's shot!
Gulli's shot!

After the party which I'm sure will be documented by other family members, Zebedee has Stagecoach - his drama club, he is James in James and the Giant Peach!

Then we are driving to Devon for a week's holiday on an organic meat farm where we have been many times before, lots of animal action, fishing, beaches and wine! Hurrah!

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