Views of my world

By rosamund


Christine arrived today. After she had a rest we went for a walk along the front, had a hot chocolate in flava and had a blip meet with once a sheep. It was funny watching two people I know so well meet each other the like old friends thanks to the magic of blipland. My mother was christine's sister and I was struck today by family resemblances - watching her and Freya stir their hot chocolate with identical mannerisms and timing was quit uncanny. I love having time with auntie christine, we have so much in common and although she doesn't seem old enough she is now the official matriarch of our family which means she's the storyteller and guardian of the memories we all hold dear. The children have plans with their friends tomorrow so for the first time in a long time we get to have a girls day out, just the two of us. Wonder where our adventures will take us?

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