Views of my world

By rosamund


Noah was having fun practising his woodwork skills, he was busy banging nails into his practice bit of wood while Freya was painting Christine's toe nails in the evening sun.

Christine and I had a lovely woolly Clyde coast adventure starting at once a sheep to buy yarn where Christine met kimmiekims and other shop regulars. We then had lunch in Largs at the bagel basket before heading to west Kilbride to explore the craft town and visit knit1girl1 in old maiden aunt yarn store where I treated myself to some gorgeous hand dyed blue faced Leicester and silk which can be seen on christine's blip. We then had a cuppa and cake at the Rowan tree in seamill followed by a lovely walk on portencross beach.

We ate dinner on the front steps enjoying the sunshine and taking in the view. After everyone finished playing with their nails I gave christine a go on the spinning wheel and she took to it like a natural! Reckon she has yarn in her blood, she's doing so well. When freya and I were starting out we always said it looked like a muppet massacre with all the colourful remnants of fluffy fibre strewn about the place in frustration but Christine has not killed one single muppet! Need to get her plying before bed time.

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