Snapshooter's Diary

By jesalonen

A New Beginning

I was introduced to Blipfoto some months ago, and I fell in love with the idea instantly. But the time was not right. Too much everything going on in my life, and my head was still too much filled with all gear-related stuff. I gave up, cowardly, after a few days, just because I was too lazy to get my camera out of the bag, load pics to my laptop, select, edit and post.

It is strange thing that I find myself always reading latest camera tests and MTF charts, when I should be out shooting. My best images so far I have shot last year with a Olympus Trip film camera. My most popular shots in Flickr are shot with Samsung EX-1 compact.

"The best camera is the one that is with you", as they say. Some of my friends have gone all crazy about something called Hipstamatic, so I decided to find out what that was. Sadly, I do not have iPhone, but I was lucky enough to find similar software for Android (called Vignette).

And so I have begun to find the joy of photography again. I won't be giving away my newly-acquired Nikon DSLR, but every time I hold it I feel like doing something very Serious. Now I feel more like playing.

I really, really would like to commit myself to a 365 project, just to see if it does anything for my photographic vision.

I hope the time is right now.

EDIT: SORRY, SORRY, SORRY! Forgot about the borders...

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