Snapshooter's Diary

By jesalonen

The boy has a new toy!

Two days without blippin' and I began to suffer from withdrawal symptoms.... Anyway, I hope that it does not mean bad karma for my project - two days missed at the very first week :(

Here's the story: after quitting my job, I felt a huge emptiness and what could possibly be a better way to pamper myself than - well, to buy a new camera. I spent two full days convincing myself that this is just what I need and I just can't satisfy my creative aspirations with EX-1 anymore.

So, I went to my local dealer with Panny GF-1 and that highly respected 20/1.7 pancake in mind. Only Pannys they had in stock were red, for my good fortune. As a relatively happy Samsung user I bought NX10 and 30/2 pancake instead. I found that I can have two of those for the same price as Panasonic (with EVF) and while size does not matter, the price does.

I'm going away for this weekend and hopefully have some time to test it. I will keep you posted.

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