
Today's the day ...................... for a bit of a spin

Drove up to spend the weekend in Edinburgh with Mum and Dad. It was a beautiful mild evening with white fluffy clouds in a clear blue sky and hardly a breath of wind anywhere.

We drove along our usual favourite route - through Moffat (with a stop for the best ever fish and chips) and then over the Devil's Beeftub, past Broughton and the Pentland Hills into Edinburgh. We've driven that road hundreds of times - and each time it looks different depending on the light and the time of the year.

The thing that we have noticed recently is how many of these wind turbines are appearing in the landscape. They seem to be springing up all over the place - sometimes just a few - but sometimes a whole hillside.

Not sure how I feel about them. They can look very dramatic - but would I want one right next to me. Would I want a forest of them in the middle of my favourite view?

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