Pink fir apple

Today's the day .................................. to try something new

When we were with friends earlier this year, they introduced us to a new variety of potato with the intriguing name - Pink Fir Apple.

Apparently the Pink Fir Apple was originally imported in 1850 and kept solely by British enthusiasts for decades, because of its very fine flavour. They are quite different from your normal potato - being long and narrow and knobbly. The skin is part pink/part white with yellow flesh.

We decided that we would try to grow them for ourselves this year - and this is the first of the crop. They're a bit on the small side yet but their taste is delicious. Here's a couple of suggestions for how to cook them ..............................

Thinly sliced, and gently fried with butter, garlic and onion until potatoes are soft and golden brown. Pink Fir Apple has a waxy texture which makes a perfect salad. Try cooking them whole, and when cool, thinly slice with a mix of spring onions, mayonnaise, salt and pepper.

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