my eyes they cannot lie

By girlsonfilm

Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass

but learning to dance in the rain.

Won't lie to you - I'm pretty glad this week is over. Had a stressful week at work with flowers and Twitter talks.

Had a stressful week at home with a few behaviour issues and getting by on my own.

Fell out with an old friend who treated me with distain.

Saw the girls dads holiday photos with his new soul mate...which didn't bother me in terms of 'him & her' but it did hurt a bit to see him so happy with his new life as a part time (and that's being generous) dad.

But, oddly enough despite having moments of feeling outlook on life is really positive and I am really happy even though it's hard sometimes.

I am certainly happier than I was a year ago. I wonder if when you (think) you are in a secure relationship, coping with finance, jobs and family stuff..then you tend to wallow a bit in non existant problems and feel down.

I don't feel I can wallow any more...because I have to get on..face problems head on and deal with what life throws at me...and bat it right back!

So tonight's rainbow was really welcome. Me and the girls stood out back, shoeless in the rain and watched in wonder and talked about that pot of Gold*

*I think I've already found it

"And when it rains on your parade, look up rather than down. Without the rain, there would be no rainbow"
G K. Chesterton

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