Hunting Unicorns

By huntingunicorns

Day 11_Sihouette

Good morning Katipunan! Insomnia strikes again. It is kind of pissing having sleepless nights once again. It's like the feeling of betrayal. I thought milk had already promised me lullabyed evenings. It looks like that once my body hits it's seemingly threshold of sleep, I am again entitled to be up even earlier than my body can afford.

Today is the third morning my insomnia is kicking in so badly. I can't accept that I am up before 5am! I continued reading the book authored by one of our teachers, instead. As the sun started to take over the night I noticed the play of hues outside the window. Without much thought, I instantly jumped to the side with my camera and frame whatever I could with the hopeful sunrise colors.

Starting with manual setting I had some hard time. As if an auto reaction to the first disappointment I wheeled the setting to AV, then I couldn't complain more. I was surprised on how a constant f/stop produced outputs almost close to my taste. So I tried several times, until I realized I was having nice silhouettes.

Another rediscovery for today is Lightroom. I was learning the Gradient tools which function similar to filters. I tried it and here is what I got.

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