Hunting Unicorns

By huntingunicorns

Day 10_Myself with 13 Things

Aesthetically I'm not totally impressed with my output for today - myself with 13 things. I was about to skip this one initially, but as I rest in my throne for the night I couldn't stop counting the 13 things I can easily frame a part of my body with.

Subtly, this is a portrait shot. And I am not at ease with vain shots. So, I just decided that I will just be picking a representative of myself and surround it with 13 things close by. This task seemed a little effortless since our study is a house of a multitude of things mixing multi-usage paraphernalia. But truly this was challenging especially on finding association to the deeper meaning of life with the clutter.

I yielded easily and took the easy way out. I am just appeasing myself that this photo encapsulate who I am when I am at home - careless most of the time of the clutter so long as the laptop is with space.

Excluding the table I am surrounded with the thirteen things I deal with each night I eased my legs to rest to continue my day still facing the computer.

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