As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

My Life Is One Big Jew Curl

I had a fantastic day.

I woke up, played some Team Fortress Two, did an AP Euro essay, and then hung out with Meg and Cruz. We went to Ikea to get them dorm stuff. We had lunch there and I was introduced to lingonberry juice. It's amazing. Go to your local Ikea and have some right now. Then we got into the boiling Meg-mobile and went to Utopia and looked at all of their cool posters. Meg was in a lot of them! Then we went to the puppy store! We spent a good twenty minutes just playing with all of the puppies and then moving on to the rabbits. Meg drove me home and I got my stuff together for Chelsea's. Me, her, Paige, and Toni went in the pool for a while before we went inside and hung out inside Chelsea's million-degree room. Then Paige had to leave so me, Chelsea, and Toni went downstairs and they planked while I played the piano. This is Chelsea planking on a chair... Then we struggled to find a box of Wheat Thins for our adventure to walk to Baylee's house. We saw Ian's house on the way there and the way back and we rang the doorbell both times but he wasn't home. Baylee pet his door... As we were about to walk away from his house he pulled into the driveway so we invited him to come with us but he said it was way too hot to walk so he would meet us there in a few minutes. So we walked back and then Ian came and we all went in the pool for a little while. Then we felt dirty so we showered...I wish I could explain more but I can't. After that we kind of piled up on the floor of Chelsea's living room and just chilled for a little bit. Then it was almost time for half-off apps! Ian didn't want to come so me, Baylee, Toni, and Chelsea dropped him off and then went to Applebee's. Baylee got a Red Bull..... After about twenty minutes trying to figure out the check, we went back to Chelsea's, got our stuff, and went home.

What a great day.

P.S. - Toni said "My life is one big Jew curl". Happy Toni?

Word of the Day: Feign - To represent fictitiously; put on an appearance of

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