As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

This Is Gonna Be The Good Life

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I deposited a bunch of bottles at King Kullen today for my Eagle Scout Project. There are some pretty strange people at the bottle redemption center...

Then I went to Cruz's for a little and me him and Meg watched 1,000 Ways To Die. It was intense.

I'm ashamed of my performance at Sunken Meadow today. We had another team run today but only me, Timmy, Danny, and Frazer showed up. Timmy and Danny had to do seven but I only had to six so I just went along with them and some kid that Frazer knew. It was tough. The whole park is just steady hills. And then there's Cardiac... Cardiac Hill is a killer. It is long, steep, and sandy. I hate it. A lot. They did it three times but I just did it once and then walked the second half of it the second time. I dropped out after two loops. But don't worry, I'll go Rocky on that shiz in August and train really hardcore until I can do Cardiac five times.

This is Cruz....

Word of the Day: Detente - A relaxing of tension, especially between nations

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