Capital adventures

By marchmont

Marchmont moment

Saturday - woke up feeling really tired. A morning on blip, good use of time? Plans, such as they were, had to be changed as the 'birthday girl' and dad decided to go off to Peebles for the day.

Afternoon gardening. First time I've been in the green since the end of May. I was relieved to see that there had not been a major re-invasion of ground elder but boy do these nettles sting (in such circumstances gardening in shorts is not recommended). Some chat with the neighbour about THE tree.

Then down to see me ma, who is 86 today and still going strong. Cards, cake and theatre tickets were the order of the day. It was SUCH a beautiful evening - summer at last? Marchmont, in the sunshine, at 6.30 p.m.

Now I'm back, watching the Proms, drinking cheap rose wine, eagerly awaiting a North Berwick update from Alan and Dotty and planning to cook the scallops.

Mmm - life doesn't get much better than this, does it?

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