
By whitespace

Just a dress...

I still felt a bit off this morning but by lunchtime I was feeling ok and finally had the energy to actually DO something. Yay!

So I took this dress which used to be a rather ugly bubble dress I picked up in the sales for almost nothing, and unpicked it, and rearranged it, and sewed it back up and now it's a lovely floaty dress I can actually wear. So although I mostly slobbed around watching poirot and feeling occasionally sorry for myself, I still feel like I achieved something today. And now I feel fully repaired so tomorrow should be much better!

Also, do you like the mouse in my door? Every door in my flat has a yale lock hole from when it was a HMO student flat. I knitted a few mice to fill the holes so we could have a bit of privacy in our bedrooms. Sometimes they take visitors by surprise, but I rather like them.

Tried taking this in colour so you could see the navy of the dress, but as I took it about an hour ago the light was pretty bad and I couldn't get the colours to work properly... B&W will have to do!

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