My Life In Photos.

By vicky1972

An Early Morning Stroll

Goodmorning everyone

An early one for me, Im still not great so took a stroll in the fresh air about 8 oclock this morning and yes took the camera just in case i missed something. I love anything to do with the sky and i love this field we walk through everyday. (Ive tried this shot before and had it shown on the local weather news :)) So ive set it again lol.

I decided to sit down and get this shot, i took 3 shots with bracketing, i took a few more but loved this angle. I then walked to the shops for some bread milk and a paper and got home kiddies were up dressed and having their breakfast. Well done mark. Hes now gone to work.

I sat down and went onto my corel editing program and merged the 3 photos together, i then align them, once thats done i go to local tone mapping and unsharpen mask and just play around, i then brighten a little and this is what i got. Hope it looks ok not my usual shot but you know me ill try anything new.

Tomorrow is my 200th blip day and i have no idea what to do so must get my thinking cap on.

And yesturday was also 5 years since we lost our little Nephew Jack so that added to why i was low aswell. He was such a stong little fighter bless him, i updated my description last night as felt really bad that i didnt mention him. Hes always in our hearts and never forgotten.

All my thoughts are with the people of Norway and prayers and thoughts are with the familys who have lost loved ones so sad. :( Whats this world coming to.

Hope your having a lovely weekend and hope my blip is ok.

Thanks for all your support since ive been on blip land you are all great.

Vicky. xxxx

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