one of those days

I told them to say cheese....

no, not really, that's a J O K E

this is one of my favourite kinds of cheese, called Tête de Moine - not only is it pretty, it's also yummy. And vice versa too.

I'm not too sure what to do with appears to be one of those days unfolding before me. I'd like to press eject and put a different day in. Maybe one where there isn't quite so much tragic news? We're all very shocked by what has happened in Norway - the more one hears about it, the more horrific it seems - I find psychotic episodes easier to understand than cold-blooded massacre. My heart goes out to all those affected by it.

The loss of a great singer seems small in comparison - but she was a big favourite of mine, she re-enlivened a music style that I have loved since I was a small child. Her story is a tragedy on the individual level.

Like I say, eject, try another version please.

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