
By spitzimixi

back to blip with back blips

firstly, thank you to everyone who commented on my 100th blip, it was really lovely of you all.
I am back from Istria with a suntan and lots of photos, 13 of which I have chosen for blip....we were away for 14 days but one day seems to have disappeared, perhaps it was the day after our landlord gave us the bottle of local schnapps...?
I'm not going to write up about each blip, it would take too long, so a brief summary is: is was damn hot, mainly 40°c, we spent a lot of the time in the water (bliss) or hanging out on the balcony drinking too much. Because it was so hot (and very, very bright), it took a while for me to get into the new camera and I am nowhere near mastering the thing. Some shots posted are on the new one, some on the old.
This blip was taken on the way home, we stopped at Lipica in Slovenia to see the horses.

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