Mr Mysterious H

By MrMayhem

Yep it's me.

Say hi to.....well me. I promised an "sp" today as yesterday i didn't know what the fuck an "sp" was. Man why the fuck did i do that? If it wasn't for the fact that my brother was on here i'd have gone and blipped some random bloke and pretended it was me.

It's not that i don't like the way i look. I acctually love the way i look apart from the dirty great mole i expertly edited out on the side of my head. It's more that it is a ball ache trying to take a picture of yourself. Then making look like you want other people to see you.

Most people probably couldn't give a fuck if my T-shirt looks like it is sitting a bit bit funny on my shoulder, or if the thin bit in my hair is more noticable in THAT light. If i'm honest neither am i. In fact if it wasn't for 2 things, i'd have just stuck the first picture i took on and have been done. Firstly i spent ages trying to get a good blip hiding "the mole". Which was an epic fail. After about 26,000 captures the only one that was any good was the only one on the mole side. So enter picasa on that one. Problem solved.....erm no.

Now like i've said before i couldn't careless if my head was green, my eyes were red and neck was brown. But i absolutely and completely draw the line at any picture that makes my hair look fucking Ginger!!!!

Thank Black and White.

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