The Edge of the Wold

By gladders

Feeding time

A female house sparrow feeding a fledgling.

We are back home now after a flying visit to Yorkshire for Eduardo's 40th birthday party yesterday evening. Katya and her team of kitchen elves laid on a superb meal, the weather was perfect, we had a good game of rounders (my knees are feeling it now), the beer was excellent and it was all in all a great evening.

I had a quick walk up Worsendale first thing this morning where I found this mother sparrow tending to her fully grown chick. I went in search of butterflies and woolly thistles, but it was too early in the day and the summer respectively (though I blipped one flowering 366 days ago). Later we had a quick visit to Millington Pastures to catch up with some Marbled White butterflies, but time was short, it was too windy and none of the pictures were that good.

Lunch was a barbecue plus the ample supply of salad left from the night before, and then it was back on the road to Arnside.

A year ago today, my first photograph of a roe deer on Arnside Knott.

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