One Day Like This

By sennema

Summer guests

It was a 'protocol C-day' again (see this entry), so we spent it indoors. We were watching Tour de France, 24 and tonight: Zomergasten (summer guests). It's a weird show. Six sunday evenings, six guests and an interviewer who is always subject to scrutiny of a few million watchers. The guest chooses TV fragments, which are connected by deep insights into his or her psyche. Today it's comedian Marc Marie Huijbregts. J. can't stand him for his high pitched voice, but I think he's sympathetic.

Because this day didn't bring much Blipportunities (and I didn't feel like looking for them) I decided to picture this sunday evening. The teapot, the remote and the water can were subjects, but I decided to shoot the TV, showing Zomergasten, through the water can. Not very spectacular, but the blurriness reflects this day perfectly.

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