Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty


...Hopefully in about a week this room will be transformed with an 'after' photo! Watch this space!

Actually, looking at this picture my bedroom looks lovely and I'm wondering why I'm decorating it at all??? (If you are wondering you can see some mould by the window and the bedding has had it as it was about 5 years ago that it was last decorated!) I really like this colour and it has been hard to steer away from this colour this time. I've spent a fortune this afternoon on new bedding and curtains and as my son is away this week I really need to get a move on with clearing out the room and getting the painting done. We've already had 2 phone calls from scout camp though to say he's homesick and wants to come home! My youngest has also changed his mind about doing a footy course this week so he'll need entertaining during the day too. Add to that the fact that I'm exhausted and I can't really see much decorating being achieved this week!

Apart from shopping - food this morning, bedding this afternoon, we also went out for dinner today. My dad took us as a treat and it really was a treat not to have to cook! The dinner was lovely but the apple crumble I ordered was a disappointment as I like my crumble swimming in custard but it came with a tiny amount of custard with a few grapes and a strawberry on the plate - very pretty but I wanted to eat it not admire it!!!!

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