Life with The Pinks

By suzypink

sleepy and a glove

Miss Pink and I went to catch up with some friends we haven't seen for a while at soft play this morning. It was great to see them, and the little ones are all growing up so quickly.
She fell asleep on the way home, and I'd hoped she would stay asleep once we arrived home, but the transfer from the car woke her.
We collected Master Pink from his very last day in reception class, and then went to his swimming lesson. He is moving up groups in a couple of weeks, and it's fanastic to see how far he has come.
After swimming we popped to the supermarket for a quick stock up and some tea, and Miss Pink fell asleep in the car on the way home. Before she went to sleep she insisted on putting on a pair of mittens that were in the car. I snapped this picture before we took her up to bed, as I thought it was rather cute that she was still wearing one glove!!

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