Life with The Pinks

By suzypink

Happiness is...

a beach, a boy, and some waves.

The sun has completely got his hat on, so have we. It's amazing weather. We've all had a brilliant night's sleep despite being in the tent. Just goes to show how tired we all were. We've had a cooked breakfast, and lots of camping tea.

We went into Cromer and went down to the beach. It's quite a hike.....lots of walking for Miss Pink. It was good though. The tide had left "puddles" of water on the beach, and Miss Pink loved splashing in these, until her skin went wrinkly. We found some rock pools to investigate, and Master Pink and i did some wave jumping. The water was cold, but I can officially say that I have been in the sea this year.

After the beach we went back to clean up at the campsite. And then walked into the town to find a restaurant for some dinner. We found a pizzeria on the sea front, and so with pizza, wine (or orange juice for the mini pinks) and smiles on our faces we watched the waves rolling in. I also caught the sunset on camera; but I chose this shot, as this is what made my day....the mini pinks having a blast on the beach.

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