Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky

Gives a whole new meaning to spam...

Had a lovely day in the English countryside today. Woke up and drove down to Hedingham Castle because I'm a wee bit of a castle geek. The photo above is from the church just outside the castle grounds. We parked up and went into the village for some lunch. Clearly the Weight Watchers has gone on hold because I had chips, gammon and egg. Oops. Oh well, it's holiday time. :)

Then we popped into the castle. It's much smaller than I'd been expecting but it's really well kept. The odd thing I noticed was how warm it was in comparison to Scottish castles. Even in July castles in Scotland are bloody freezing but this one was just nice. I think if I'd been royalty in medieval times I would have preferred the uncontrolled climates of the south.

Afterwards we went to a nearby village and visited The Orchard, a little tea room situated in an orchard (shockingly enough...). Absolutely lovely but the downside of the trees was the wasps and their attraction to my cherry jam. Damn wasps.

Suitably full of food we made our way back home just in time to get ready for going out for dinner tonight. Ugh! Pray for my poor tummy please...

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