Probably a shot of a Jnr

By Hollowspy

Come get some

It has been a day of crabs today. We went out and started catching them at 9:30 and had a lot of luck straight away. Our bucket drew quite a crowd (bacon is the killer bait choice), especially from kids. One little lad was very interested and so I said, "Do you want me to pick one up?" He must have misheard and shoved his hand in the bucket and screamed as he got pinched straight away! He yanked his hand out and the attached crab went flying as blood poured down his finger. I picked it up and showed him (as he cried loudly) how to grab them from the back. I got as far as, "You need to hold them from the back so their claws can't ..." and then the little bugger got me too!!! Now there were two bleeding fingers, and although I didn't cry, I did give a high-pitched scream :)

Got my own back with a trip to the fish shop on the way home and bought a huge claw to have with my tea. To the kid's amusement, I discovered that my wife also screams when I chased her with the claw, threatening to pinch her rear :-D

The photo comes from when we emptied the bucket out; this one decided to stand up to me as the others scuttled off the harbour side. Respect.

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