
By Juleshki

Peony poppy!

This flower magically appeared last summer in the back garden of the elderly couple who live next door to my mum.

When it first began to grow none of us could figure out what it was from the leaves. As nobody had actually bought it and planted it, we assumed that it had germinated from one of the many seeds that were placed upon the nearby bird feeder. Quite an impressive plant for free!

When it eventually flowered we were amazed at the size of the flower heads and how they looked so much like a peony. I asked if I could have a seed head which I could sow in my own garden. Unfortunately the plant was cut down before this happened as it was getting "rather untidy"!

The elderly couple sold their house and moved out just before last Christmas. Today I heard that they were buying back the house and were hoping to move in before the autumn. I am hoping to get my hands on a seed head before they move back in and start tidying the garden again.

Watch this space!

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