Guinea Pig Zero

By gpzero

Pumpkin Proud

Last year I became aware of the delicious Long Island Cheese Pumpkin, which is an heirloom variety and native to my native place. This year I tried to grow a whole patch of them but only one was able to dodge the squirrels this long, thanks to bricks, a plastic crate, and window weights all around it during the plant's infancy. I transfered it to my raised bed yesterday, and in the morning I was pleased to see that it had turned all of its foliage toward the sky. I'll probably cut back more branches to increase the sunlight coming into the yard, which is far too shady for such a plant anyway.

Because of the lay of the land here and certain limitations, it will almost be a miracle if this plant produces any serious pumpkins. But Long Island produces miracles all the time. Let's wait and see how it all shakes out.

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