"We can't all, and some of us don't...

...That's all there is to it."
"Can't all what?" said Pooh, rubbing his nose.
"Gaiety. Song-and-dance. Here we go round the mulberry bush..."

Eyeore may be perpetually depressed but the glum expression on this gibbon's face belies her playful nature. Ten seconds after this shot was taken she was high-tailing round her enclosure, playing a complicated game of tag with a couple of younger gibbons.

So we ended up at Hamerton today again. Both boys love it there and our season ticket means it's free entertainment for the afternoon.

Inevitably we ended up in the pygmy goat enclosure. News Flash here...Noah now calls them goats! I'm kind of sorry he's stopped calling them dogs if I'm honest. It means he's growing up. I remember feeling the same when H stopped calling woodlice 'loohouses'.

And while I remember it. H is keeping a hand-written holiday diary, with photos. He fills it in every evening. In tonight's entry he wrote about about playing the Brain Training game on his DS, only he wrote it 'brian'. It's too irresistible isn't it? From now on in Grant-land brains will be dubbed brians.

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