The List Lady

By listlady

Beads, Buttons and Blips

I can't believe it, but here it is already - my 100th blip.

I joined Blip on 7th April this year, mainly as I was spending so much time looking at blips while logged in as Hubby(Kevin's Journal) - a touch of 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em!'

I'm no great photographer, just a happy snapper, although I'm trying to improve and am finding lots of inspiration from many wonderful fellow Blippers. Blip has, to a large extent, influenced my choice of 40th birthday present (which I started using 3 months before my birthday) a wonderful Panasonic Lumix FZ45 which I'm still working my way round. I'm hoping that the combination of my sexy new camera and the influence and inspiration of Hubby and other Blippers will help me to improve my images. Maybe at 200 Blips I'll be able to look back on Blips 101-200 with increased pride.

I decided to use these lovely beads to make up my 100th Blip as beading and jewellery making is one of my hobbies, although unfortunately, like many others, I just don't have as much time as I would like to play. And guess what? Yes, there are 100 beads there!

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