Whistling Sands

A beautiful day today without a cloud in the sky. The kids went for a walk before breakfast. I then made a packed lunch and we filled the car with towels, buckets, spades, cricket set and a picnic. We drove to Whistling Sands beach where we spent the day with my friend Natalie and her kids. Daughter #1 and her friend were a bit lethargic and spent the entire afternoon wrapped in a towel and laying on the sand (they did have a late night last night). I couldn?t get them to do anything. The boys played cricket and daughter #2 enjoyed picking crabs out of the rock pools. We left just before 5pm.
My brother and his kids came round and we decided to have hot dogs in the garden and he popped to the chippy to get some chips. The boys have pulled the ping pong table out of the boat house and it is now in the garden. The kids spent the evening playing ping pong. My brother helped me get the garden furniture out of the cellar. The table hasn?t been out in the garden for a couple of years. Last summer, we couldn?t get it out of the cellar.
Daughter #1 is a bit poorly tonight. She has a cough and has a raging temperature.

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