From where i stand!!!

By Dancingninja

How every picture tells a story!

This one being their 2 very different personalities! Little B loving delving in the undergrowth and Z not wanting to be parted from anything electronical , to be fair though he is reading a book on his phone.

Still can't get the motivation up to blip, finding it a bit hard at the moment, we went out for this walk and i took lots of shots of different things but couldn't seem to choose. I even found my little friend from yesterday had remade his web, but then Rosie again ran underneath it so destroyed half of it. I'm sure he'll be back there again later after rebuilding it!! May blip him again tomorrow and keep Rosie safely shut up inside!!

Probably tired and warn out from being busy with errands and organising everything for our hols which start on Mon. I can't wait this time next week we will be in warmer climates! Yippeeeeee can you tell i'm a little excited!!!


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