Busy Uig

Lazy morning with the rest of the family having a long lie. I headed along the coast above the cliffs. Very impressive and loads of bouys on the rocky shores, but I have been told not to collect any.

Juno and I sat on a headland watching the creel boats buzz in and out of the steep intrusions in the land.

Back home and breakfast with the family, pack lunches made and off to the beach. We had the whole beach to ourselves. Different textures and depths as we strolled to the distant sea.

The weather front was coming in and the first drizzle of the week was visiting, so we headed round the coast to a fantastic cliff scape.

We sat and watched a basking shark feeding in a bay, constantly fighting the rising swell.

A great day and if it had stayed dry Carloway FC would have been visited for a local derby.

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