
By schlimm


The weatherforecast was meant to be better today so we took the little train up to Champéry. The trainride is pretty amazing in itself and we got to see into the valley and into some pretty impressive mountain streams but the Dents du Midi stayed hidden from view most of the time in the town. It then also started to rain so we left a bit earlier to get back into the valley where the weather was a little bit better.

A was never sick which was a great success and she even got to see ostriches, cows and horses. I had to carry S back up the hill on my back which was a pretty good workout although I didn't appreciate it then, not great to walk up a steep hill with a three year old on your back...

Tomorrow a full house, my best friend from school and also my friend E with whom I first travelled to Scotland with her son G. It will be interesting to see how all these children communicate, but being children this usually doesn't pose too many problems.

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