
By schlimm

Mad plane

Spent a lazy day with my parents visiting. At first B and I went with my dad to the nearest big supermarket to stock up on basics, it cost us quite a bit and ended up using quite a bit more time than we thought but was well worth it. We've now got lots of pasta to get us through all of our holidays methinks.

My mum meanwhile enjoyed the company of the girls and played with them with lots of patience which I lack most of the time. I must also admit that this applies to my parents as well, I'm very impatient. I supppose it is just weird to see them age from visit to visit and I would like to stop time but can't and it's just how it is but I can't help being impatient.

I will try to call them again a bit more regularly so that I can catch up weekly rather than from holiday to holiday.

Booked a ticket to return to Switzerland for our school reunion, 20 years after leaving. it will be fun to see all those faces again (wrinkles, grey hair and all...:-)

This plane was doing the most daring stunts while we were watching from the living room windows, it went round its axis, then dropped down as if in free fall only to pick up again at the last minute. The noise was not nice but the tricks really quite amazing. Obviously none of this can be conveyed on this blip but the sky looked quite nice too.

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